In StarCraft II, there are 3 "races:" Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. Eventually, your objective is to amass an army to take out your opponent(s).

From here, you can build more buildings that unlock new units, like combat units, and then you can do things like purchase/research upgrades for units or for even better units. The point of the games are to put you against other players, or computers, where you start with a "base," which allows you to build basic units that collect resources. Prior to this point, I had never actually played StarCraft II myself, but I have played many similar games like Command and Conquer and Age of Empires. Around mid 2017, DeepMind and Blizzard (the creators of StarCraft II) announced a partnership and API for interacting with the strategy game. Welcome to a tutorial series where we will be creating Python bots and AI for the game: StarCraft II.